This is what one thirsts for, I realize, after the smallness of the day, of work, of details, of intimacy - even of communication, one thirsts for the magnitude and universality of a night full of stars, pouring into one like a fresh tide.
Anne Morrow Lindberghwar is a thug's game. The thug strikes first and harder. He doesn't go by rules and he isn't afraid of hurting people.
Anne Morrow LindberghPerhaps middle-age is, or should be, a period of shedding shells; the shell of ambition, the shell of material accumulations and possessions, the shell of the ego.
Anne Morrow LindberghIf one is estranged from oneself, then one is estranged from others too. If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh