The plane seems exultant now, even arrogant. We did it, we did it! We're up, above you. We were dependant on you just now, prisoners fawning on you for favors, for wind and light. But now, we are free. We are up! We are off! Like someone singing ecstatically, climbing, soaring- a sustained note of power and joy.
Anne Morrow LindberghWhy is it that you can sometimes feel the reality of people more keenly through a letter than face to face?
Anne Morrow LindberghA simple enough pleasure, surely, to have breakfast alone with one's husband, but how seldom married people in the midst of life achieve it.
Anne Morrow LindberghI believe that what woman resents is not so much giving herself in pieces as giving herself purposelessly.
Anne Morrow LindberghGuys kick friendship all over just like a soccer, nonetheless it does not appear to crack. Girls deal with it like glass and it goes to items.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh