Representative institutions are as much a part of the true Briton as his language and his literature.
Annie BesantWhat is the constitution of the universe? The universe is the manifestation of the divine thought; the thought of God embodies itself in the thought-forms that we call worlds.
Annie BesantYou should always take a religion at its best and not at its worst, from its highest teachings and not from the lowest practices of some of its adherents.
Annie BesantMan peoples his current living space with a world of his own, crowded with the offspring of his fancies, desires, impulses, and passions.
Annie BesantThe Soul which is approaching its' liberation, as it looks back over past lives... down the vistas of the centuries along which it has slowly been climbing,... is able to see there the way in which the bonds were made, the causes which set it in motion. It is able to see how many of those causes have worked themselves out and... how many... are still working themselves out.
Annie BesantIf we believe in a God at all, we must surely ascribe to him perfection of wisdom and perfection of goodness; we are then forced to conceive of Him - however strange it may sound to those who believe, not only without seeing but also without thinking - as without will, because He must always necessarily pursue the course which is wisest and best.
Annie Besant