As a creative person, you just put something out into the consciousness of the society you live in.
Annie LennoxMy issue with the state of women became incredibly stimulated when I was visiting developing countries and it became obvious that women bore the brunt of so many things in society.
Annie LennoxThere was a time when I looked to other people for recognition, because I didn't have enough confidence to trust my own judgment. Now I'm not looking for reassurance, because I realize how fickle people are. My own strength is the best I can have.
Annie LennoxWhen I was younger I wish I'd known that what often seemed to be the 'end of the world' often turned out to be a positive and transformative experience!
Annie LennoxMy first understanding of HIV and AIDS was like everybody else from my generation. In the mid-'80s, we heard about this, and it was terrifying, because we knew nothing about how to respond to it appropriately, and we didn't really understand about how the virus is passed. There was a lot of misconception about that.
Annie Lennox