We either have wild places or we don't. We admit the spiritual-emotional validity of wild, beautiful places or we don't. We have a philosophy of simplicity of experience in these wild places or we don't. We admit an almost religious devotion to the clean exposition of the wild, natural earth or we don't.
Ansel AdamsEmphasis on technique is justified only so far as it will simplify and clarify the statement of the photographer's concept.
Ansel AdamsTo the vast majority of people a photograph is an image of something within their direct experience: a more-or-less factual reality. It is difficult for them to realize that the photograph can be the source of experience, as well as the reflection of spiritual awareness of the world and of self.
Ansel AdamsWhen words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.
Ansel Adams