The great rocks of Yosemite, expressing qualities of timeless yet intimate grandeur, are the most compelling formations of their kind. We should not casually pass them by, for they are the very heart of the earth speaking to us.
Ansel AdamsThe dismal half-baked images of the average "reportage" and "documentary" photography are self dammning... the slick manner, the slightly obscure significance, the esoteric fear of simple beauty for its own sake - I am deeply concerned with these manifestations of decay. Gene Smith's work validates my most vigorous convictions that if the documentary photographs is to be truly effective it must contain elements of art, intensity, fine craft and spirituality. All these his work contains and we may turn to his work with gratitude, appreciation and great respect.
Ansel AdamsKnowing what I know now, any photographer worth his salt could make some beautiful things with pinhole cameras.
Ansel AdamsA great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.
Ansel Adams