I would be virtuous for my own sake, though nobody were to know it; as I would be clean for my own sake, though nobody were to see me.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of ShaftesburyThey who are great talkers in company have never been any talkers by themselves, nor used to private discussions of our home regimen.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of ShaftesburyTrue features make the beauty of a face, and true proportions the beauty of architecture.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of ShaftesburyThe passion of fear (as a modern philosopher informs me) determines the spirits of the muscles of the knees, which are instantly ready to perform their motion, by taking up the legs with incomparable celerity, in order to remove the body out of harm's way.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of ShaftesburyA right mind and generous affection hath more beauty and charms than all other symmetries in the world besides; and a grain of honesty and native worth is of more value than all the adventitious ornaments, estates, or preferments; for the sake of which some of the better sort so oft turn knaves.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of ShaftesburyIn nature, all is managed for the best with perfect frugality and just reserve, profuse to none, but bountiful to all; never employing on one thing more than enough, but with exact economy retrenching the superfluous, and adding force to what is principal in everything.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury