He was losing her incrementally. It might be a few stray hairs listless on the pillow, or the crescents of bitten fingernails tossed behind the headboard, or a dark shape dissolving in soap. As a net is no more than holes tied together, they were bonded by what was no longer there." (ARC p. 63)
Anthony MarraHer father was the face of her morning and night, he was everything, so saturating Havaaโs world that she could no more describe him than she could the air.
Anthony MarraShe wanted to hold foreign syllables like mints on her tongue until they dissolved into fluency.
Anthony MarraSometimes it bursts from your imagination fully formed, sometimes you absorb from nonfiction, sometimes you're able to imprint your own autobiographical experiences on a world you never yourself were a part of. A decent number of the one-liners in the title story originally came up in conversations with my girlfriend or my neighbor.
Anthony Marra