We know through the process of energy independence, our whole geopolitical footprint changes in terms of our national security and how we operate the American military. In addition to that we've got all these forward liabilities on these entitlement programs that, with the right tax and the energy policy, we can pay down and offset some of those liabilities.
Anthony ScaramucciIt's better for the United States and better for the world to have the U.S. be energy independent. Have us have clean air and clean water and protect the environment for future generations of Americans. All of that makes sense.
Anthony ScaramucciYou're giving me two choices, and I'm choosing Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. I would choose Jesus over Donald Trump, probably. But you're just giving me two choices.
Anthony ScaramucciThe President of the United States again, whether you guys like the guy, you dislike the guy, he's the smartest person that I've ever worked for. So let Vanity Fair write about that, I honestly don't care. He has intuition, he has judgement and he has a temperament in a way that I have never seen.
Anthony Scaramucci