In these days a man is nobody unless his biography is kept so far posted up that it may be ready for the national breakfast-table on the morning after his demise.
Anthony TrollopeHere in England the welfare of the State depends on the conduct of our aristocracy.
Anthony TrollopeAs to happiness in this life it is hardly compatible with that diminished respect which ever attends the relinquishing of labour.
Anthony TrollopeThe satirist who writes nothing but satire should write but little - or it will seem that his satire springs rather from his own caustic nature than from the sins of the world in which he lives.
Anthony TrollopeI judge a man by his actions with men, much more than by his declarations Godwards - When I find him to be envious, carping, spiteful, hating the successes of others, and complaining that the world has never done enough for him, I am apt to doubt whether his humility before God will atone for his want of manliness.
Anthony Trollope