The difference of the English and Irish character is nowhere more plainly discerned than in their respective kitchens. With the former, this apartment is probably the cleanest, and certainly the most orderly, in the house.... An Irish kitchenis usually a temple dedicated to the goddess of disorder; and, too often, joined with her, is the potent deity of dirt.
Anthony TrollopeA man's mind will very gradually refuse to make itself up until it is driven and compelled by emergency.
Anthony TrollopePassionate love, I take it, rarely lasts long, and is very troublesome while it does last. Mutual esteem is very much more valuable.
Anthony TrollopeOf course, Lady Arabella could not suckle the young heir herself. Ladies Arabella never can. They are gifted with the powers of being mothers, but not nursing mothers. Nature gives them bosoms for show, but not for use. So Lady Arabella had a wet-nurse.
Anthony Trollope