The habit of reading is the only one I know in which there is no alloy. It lasts when all other pleasures fade.
Anthony TrollopeThat I can read and be happy while I am reading, is a great blessing. Could I have remembered, as some men do, what I read, I should have been able to call myself an educated man. But that power I have never possessed. Something is always left--something dim and inaccurate--but still something sufficient to preserve the taste for more. I am inclined to think that it is so with most readers.
Anthony TrollopeI don't like anybody or anything," said Lucinda. Yes, you do;--you like horses to ride, and dresses to wear.
Anthony TrollopeWhat on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?...Was ever anything so civil?
Anthony TrollopeI believe journalism is coming to be regarded as quite a respectable occupation for gentlemen nowadays.
Anthony TrollopeI run great risk of failing. It may be that I shall encounter ruin where I look for reputation and a career of honor. The chances are perhaps more in favour of ruin than of success. But, whatever may be the chances, I shall go on as long as any means of carrying on the fight are at my disposal.
Anthony Trollope