There is no liberty except the liberty of some one making his way towards something. Such a man can be set free if you will teach him the meaning of thirst, and how to trace a path to a well. Only then will he embark upon a course of action that will not be without significance. You could not liberate a stone if there were no law of gravity - for where will the stone go, once it is quarried?
Antoine de Saint-ExuperySi quelqu'un veut un mouton, c'est la preuve qu'il en existe un. (If somebody wants a sheep, that is a proof that one exists.)
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyWhen one is building a ship, one does not begin with gathering timber and cutting planks, but rather by arousing in people the yearning for the great wide sea.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyIf you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery