To be a man is to feel that one's own stone contributes to building the edifice of the world.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyMy drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyIf you want to build a boat, do not instruct the men to saw wood, stitch the sails, prepare the tools and organize the work, but make them long for setting sail and travel to distant lands.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyThe magic of the craft has opened for me a world in which I shall confront, within two hours, the black dragons and the crowned crests of a coma of blue lightnings, and when night has fallen I, delivered, shall read my course in the starts.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyThere is a cheap literature that speaks to us of the need of escape. It is true that when we travel we are in search of distance. But distance is not to be found. It melts away. And escape has never led anywhere. The moment a man finds that he must play the races, go the Arctic, or make war in order to feel himself alive, that man has begin to spin the strands that bind him to other men and to the world. But what wretched strands! A civilization that is really strong fills man to the brim, though he never stir. What are we worth when motionless, is the question.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery