Vain is the hope of finding pleasure in that which one has hitherto disdained; as when the warrior hopes to find pleasure in the joys of the sedentaries.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyPeople where you live," the little prince said, "grow five thousand roses in one garden... yet they don't find what they're looking for... They don't find it," I answered. And yet what they're looking for could be found in a single rose, or a little water..." Of course," I answered. And the little prince added, "But eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyDemagoguery enters at the moment when, for want of a common denominator, the principle of equality degenerates into the principle of identity.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyMy drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyGood taste" is a virtue of the keepers of museums. If you scorn bad taste, you will have neither painting nor dancing, neither palaces nor gardens.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyMy senses of space, of distance, and of direction entirely vanished. When I looked for the ground I sometimes looked down, sometimes up, sometimes left, sometimes right. I thought I was very high up when I would suddenly be thown to earth in a near vertical spin. I thought I was very low to the ground and I was pulled up to 3,000 feet in two minutes by the 500-horsepower motor. It danced, it pushed, it tossed. . . . Ah! la la!
Antoine de Saint-Exupery