It's all a great mystery...Look up at the sky and you'll see how everything changes
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyIf some one loves a flower of which just one example exists among all the millions and millions of stars, that's enough to make him happy when he looks at the stars. He tells himself, "My flower's up there somewhere. . . ." But if the sheep eats the flower, then for him it's as if, suddenly, all the stars went out. And that isn't important?
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyTo be a man is, precisely, to be responsible. It is to feel shame at the sight of what seems to be unmerited misery. It is to take pride in a victory won by one's comrades. It is to feel, when setting one's stone, that one is contributing to the building of the world.
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyLet a man in a garret but burn with enough intensity and he will set fire to the world.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery