Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. (Walk, there is no path, the path is made by walking.)
Antonio MachadoThere is no one so bound to his own face that he does not cherish the hope of presenting another to the world.
Antonio MachadoWanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking. By walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the path that never will be trod again. Wanderer, there is no road-- Only wakes upon the sea. Caminante, son tus huellas el camino, y nada mรกs; caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace camino, y al volver la vista atrรกs se ve la senda que nunca se ha de volver a pisar. Caminante, no hay camino, sino estelas en la mar.
Antonio MachadoWayfarer, the only way is your footsteps, there is no other. Wayfarer, there is no way, you make the way as you go. As you go, you make the way and stopping to look behind, you see the path that your feet will never travel again. Wayfarer, there is no way- Only foam trails to the sea.
Antonio Machado