I've always said that I think one of the best and cheapest ways to become healthier and happier is through mindfulness exercises like meditation.
Arianna HuffingtonI'm passionate. I find if I really believe something, I want to put my entire being behind it.
Arianna HuffingtonSuccess is not a straight line, it's much more of a dance and being open to possibilities.
Arianna HuffingtonMeditation is not about stopping thoughts, but recognizing that we are more than our thoughts and our feelings.
Arianna HuffingtonThe Huffington Post Investigative Fund's goal is to produce a broad range of investigative journalism created by both staff reporters and freelance writers, with a focus on working with the many experienced reporters and writers impacted by the economic contraction. The pieces will range from long-form investigations to short breaking news stories and will be presented in a variety of media - including text, audio, and video.
Arianna Huffington