It has been handed down in mythical form from earliest times to posterity, that there are gods, and that the divine (Deity) compasses all nature. All beside this has been added, after the mythical style, for the purpose of persuading the multitude, and for the interests of the laws, and the advantage of the state.
AristotleIt is their character indeed that makes people who they are. But it is by reason of their actions that they are happy or the reverse.
AristotleThose who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.
AristotleIf there is some end of the things we do, which we desire for its own sake, clearly this must be the good. Will not knowledge of it, then, have a great influence on life? Shall we not, like archers who have a mark to aim at, be more likely to hit upon what we should? If so, we must try, in outline at least, to determine what it is.