Nobody's happy. What's happy? Happiness is over when the lights come on." The older woman poured herself a glass of sangria. "Screw that," she said quietly. "What?" "Screw that. Wash your mouth out. Who taught you that half-assed existential drivel?
Armistead MaupinTaureans are stubborn as hell. They never want to tell you what sign they are.... But underneath that tough Taurus hide beats the heart of a hopeless romantic.
Armistead MaupinMona knocked at the wrong time. โUhโฆyeahโฆwait a minute, Mona -- โ Mona shouted through the door. โRoom service, gentlemen. Just pull the covers up.โ Michael grinned at Jon. โMy roommate. Brace yourself.โ Seconds later, Mona burst through the doorway with a tray of coffee and croissants. โHi! Iโm Nancy Drew! You must be the Hardy Boys!
Armistead MaupinLike I've always said, love wouldn't be blind if the braille weren't so damned much fun.
Armistead Maupin