I never set limits or created mental barriers. You may have read that I imagined my biceps as big as mountain peaks when I did my curling exercises. This visualization process was essential if I was to gain the kind of mass and size I needed to win the mr Olympia contest against monsters like Sergio Olivia and Lou ferrigno.
Arnold SchwarzeneggerThis is the only place that I don't feel out of place, because everyone here is out of place.
Arnold SchwarzeneggerInjuries happen when your mind is beyond your body, largely when you think you're King Kong and lift weights heavier than the body can handle.
Arnold SchwarzeneggerI can look at a chick who's a little out of shape and if she turns me on, I won't hesitate to date her. If she's a good f**k she can weigh 150 pounds, I don't care.
Arnold SchwarzeneggerOne thing Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't is self-effacing. Everything has to be the biggest. His money, his muscles, his movies and his machines.
Arnold Schwarzenegger