I think as soon as I figured out - and this must have been incredibly young - that comic books were made by humans, rather than being natural phenomenon likes trees or rocks, I just wanted to be one of the people who did that. So I was copying all kinds of cartoons that I was reading, comic books, and eventually learned how to draw cartoon books step-by-step and just, I don't know, I'm not an especially quick learner, but I sure was a dedicated one.
Art SpiegelmanIn 1908, you could easily earn $20 to $200 as a cartoonist. What's amazing is that it's still true!
Art SpiegelmanNo matter what I accomplish, it doesn't seem like much compared to surviving Auschwitz.
Art SpiegelmanStyle is a capitalist invention. It's a trademark. It's very useful in the world of commerce to have a good trademark, but it wasn't my first concern. I got restless
Art Spiegelman