On September 11 one of the messages on our answering machine was from The New Yorker saying get down here right away for a special issue we'll be doing. That seemed so irrelevant to me, considering the cataclysm. I went to my studio for a while and I was processing the news. Because when we were in the thick of it, it just felt like Mars Attacks!, Is Paris Burning?, and I had no perspective. For a while, I thought I should go down and look for bodies. At the same time, since The New Yorker was looking for images, I thought, "Well, I'm more trained to look for images than for bodies."
Art SpiegelmanI live in my own bubble. I was looking for an audience that wouldn't necessarily be looking for escapism when they came to my comics.
Art SpiegelmanComics can be pernicious, fascist propaganda or anti-authoritarian. The ones that shaped me were particularly anti-authoritarian.
Art SpiegelmanI would say that, in the future, the book will be reserved for things that function best as a book. So, if I need a textbook that's going to be out of date because of new technological inventions, you're better off having it where you can download the supplements or the update.
Art SpiegelmanI wanted to create comics as soon as a I learned humans were behind them, that they were not natural phenomena like trees and boulders.
Art Spiegelman