We are bits of stellar matter that got cold by accident, bits of a star gone wrong.
Arthur EddingtonThe electron, as it leaves the atom, crystallises out of Schrodinger's mist like a genie emerging from his bottle.
Arthur EddingtonWe have found that where science has progressed the farthest, the mind has but regained from nature that which the mind put into nature.
Arthur EddingtonOur ultimate analysis of space leads us not to a "here" and a "there," but to an extension such as that which relates "here" and "there." To put the conclusion rather crudely-space is not a lot of points close together; it is a lot of distances interlocked.
Arthur EddingtonBut it is necessary to insist more strongly than usual that what I am putting before you is a model-the Bohr model atom-because later I shall take you to a profounder level of representation in which the electron instead of being confined to a particular locality is distributed in a sort of probability haze all over the atom.
Arthur Eddington