The measure of civilization in a people is to be found in its just appreciation of the wrongfulness of war.
Arthur HelpsI do not know any way so sure of making others happy as of being so oneself, to begin with.
Arthur HelpsAlmost all human affairs are tedious. Everything is too long. Visits, dinners, concerts, plays, speeches, pleadings, essays, sermons, are too long. Pleasure and business labor equally under this defect, or, as I should rather say, this fatal super-abundance.
Arthur HelpsLove, like the opening of the heavens to the Saints, shows for a moment, even to the dullest man, the possibilities of the human race. He has faith, hope, and charity for another being, perhaps but a creation of his imagination: still it is a great advance for a man to be profoundly loving even in his imaginations.
Arthur Helps