Rare almost as great poets, rarer, perhaps, than veritable saints and martyrs; are consummate men of business. A man, to be excellent in this way, requires a great knowledge of character, with that exquisite tact which feels unerringly the right moment when to act. A discreet rapidity must pervade all the movements of his thought and action. He must be singularly free from vanity, and is generally found to be an enthusiast who has the art to conceal his enthusiasm.
Arthur HelpsSome persons, instead of making a religion for their God, are content to make a god of their religion.
Arthur HelpsIt has been said with some meaning that if men would but rest in silence, they might always hear the music of the spheres.
Arthur HelpsExtremely foolish advice is likely to be uttered by those who are looking at the laboring vessel from the land.
Arthur Helps