There is only one prospect worse than being chained to an intolerable existence: The nightmare of a botched attempt to end it.
Arthur KoestlerThe principle that the end justifies the means is and remains the only rule of political ethics; anything else is just a vague chatter and melts away between oneโs fingers.
Arthur KoestlerWars are not fought for territory, but for words. Man's deadliest weapon is language. He is as susceptible to being hypnotized by slogans as he is to infectious diseases. And where there is an epidemic, the group-mind takes over.
Arthur KoestlerIf one looks with a cold eye at the mess man has made of his history, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that he has been afflicted by some built-in mental disorder which drives him towards self-destruction. Murder within the species on an individual or collective scale is a phenomenon unknown in the whole animal kingdom, except for man, and a few varieties of ants and rats.
Arthur Koestler