Well, I spent six or seven years after high school trying to work myself up. Shipping clerk, salesman, business of one kind or another. And it's a measly manner of existence. To get on that subway on the hot mornings in summer. To devote your whole life to keeping stock, or making phone calls, or selling or buying. To suffer fifty weeks of the year for the sake of a two-week vacation, when all you really desire is to be outdoors, with your shirt off. And always to have to get ahead of the next fella. And still — that's how you build a future.
Arthur MillerA play is made by sensing how the forces in life simulate ignorance-you set free the concealed irony, the deadly joke.
Arthur MillerA little man makes a mistake and they hang him by the thumbs; the big ones become ambassadors.
Arthur MillerRise early. Write. Disappoint your sons. Read the newspaper. Go to bed early. Success.
Arthur MillerIt is rare for people to be asked the question which puts them squarely in front of themselves
Arthur Miller