A man of correct insight among those who are duped and deluded resembles one whose watch is right while all the clocks in the town give the wrong time.
Arthur SchopenhauerIt is the courage to make a clean breast of it in the face of every question that makes the philosopher.
Arthur SchopenhauerIt is difficult, if not impossible, to define the limit of our reasonable desires in respect of possessions.
Arthur SchopenhauerTalent is able to achieve what is beyond other people's capacity to achieve, yet not what is beyond their capacity of apprehension; therefore it at once finds its appreciators. The achievement of genius, on the other hand, transcends not only others' capacity of achievement, but also their capacity of apprehension; therefore they do not become immediately aware of it. Talent is like the marksman who hits a target which others cannot reach; genius is like the marksman who hits a target, as far as which others cannot even see.
Arthur Schopenhauer