Man is unable to accurately predict events which are but twenty-four hours distant; only the Divine Mind could have foretold the future, centuries before it came to be. Hence, we affirm with the utmost confidence, that the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies in the Bible attest and demonstrate the truth that the Scriptures are the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.
Arthur W. PinkDaily living by faith on Christ is what makes the difference between the sickly and the healthy Christian, between the defeated and the victorious saint.
Arthur W. PinkA natural faith is sufficient for trusting a human object; but a supernatural faith is required to trust savingly in a Divine object.
Arthur W. PinkMost Christians expect little from God, ask little, and therefore receive little and are content with little.
Arthur W. PinkTo the one who delights in the sovereignty of God the clouds not only have a 'silver lining' but they are silver all through, the darkness only serving to offset the light!
Arthur W. PinkMan is unable to accurately predict events which are but twenty-four hours distant; only the Divine Mind could have foretold the future, centuries before it came to be. Hence, we affirm with the utmost confidence, that the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies in the Bible attest and demonstrate the truth that the Scriptures are the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.
Arthur W. Pink