In Delhi the cars are getting bigger and sleeker, the hotels are getting posher, the gates are getting higher, and the guards are no longer the old chowkidars, the watchmen, but they are fellows with guns. And yet the poor are packed into every crevice like lice in the city. People don't see that anymore. It's as if you shine a light very brightly in one place, the darkness deepens around.
Arundhati RoyAnd there it was again. Another religion turned against itself. Another edifice constructed by the human mind, decimated by human nature.
Arundhati RoyTruly, there's no alternative to stupidity. Cretinism is the mother of fascism. I have no defence against it, really....
Arundhati RoyThe idea of "human rights," for example - sometimes it bothers me. Not in itself, but because the concept of human rights has replaced the much grander idea of justice.
Arundhati Roy