If I take donations from Big Corporates to fund our election campaign, I'll be accountable to them and would have to do what they tell me to do after winning elections. But if I take donations from common people to fund our Election Campaign, after winning, I'll be accountable to them
Arvind KejriwalIf I take donations from Big Corporates to fund our election campaign, I'll be accountable to them and would have to do what they tell me to do after winning elections. But if I take donations from common people to fund our Election Campaign, after winning, I'll be accountable to them
Arvind KejriwalWhatever we say here today is not against any party or person. We are not here to do politics. I have not stood up here to save a government... we want swaraaj, the people's rule, in Delhi.
Arvind KejriwalConstitution is for the people, people are not for the constitution. Change it for the betterment of the common man.
Arvind Kejriwal