Whenever I write a part, I think there's this person somewhere in the world that this part is specifically for and all I have to do is go searching to find that particular individual.
Asghar FarhadiAt the time when talk of war, intimidation, and aggression is exchanged between politicians, the name of their country, Iran, is spoken here through her glorious culture, a rich and ancient culture that has been hidden under the heavy dust of politics.
Asghar FarhadiIt was important to me to make a film where I don't show the past but where the spectators can see the past.
Asghar FarhadiI would have had the same narrative, regardless of the atmosphere and the restrictions.
Asghar FarhadiI always thought that in the countries that the modernity kicks in later, it seems that everything changes on the surface, the physical things change, but inside, things haven't changed, really. This is always the challenge of this kind of community, to make a harmony between the cultural traditions and the modernity of modern life.
Asghar Farhadi