Without community, there is no liberation...but community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that these differences do not exist.
Audre LordeAnd where the words of women are crying to be heard, we must each of us recognize our responsibility to seek those words out, to read them and share them and examine them in their pertinence to our lives.
Audre LordeI am not just a lesbian. I am not just a poet. I am not just a mother. Honor the complexity of your vision and yourselves.
Audre LordeLearning not to crumple before these uncertainties fuels my resolve to print myself upon the texture of each day fully rather than forever.
Audre LordeTomorrow belongs to those of us who conceive of it as belonging to everyone; who lend the best of ourselves to it, and with joy.
Audre LordeI learned to read from Mrs. Augusta Baker, the children's librarian. ... If that was the only good deed that lady ever did in her life, may she rest in peace. Because that deed saved my life, if not sooner, then later, when sometimes the only thing I had to hold on to was knowing I could read.
Audre Lorde