I'm living under water. Everything seems slow and far away. I know there's a world up there, a sunlit quick world where time runs like dry sand through an hourglass, but down here, where I am, air and sound and time and feeling are thick and dense.
Audrey NiffeneggerI never understood why Clark Kent was so hell bent on keeping Lois Lane in the dark.
Audrey NiffeneggerWe laugh and laugh, and nothing can ever be sad, no one can be lost, or dead, or far away: right now we are here, and nothing can mar our perfection, or steal the joy of this perfect moment.
Audrey NiffeneggerListen, sometimes when you finally find out, you realize that you were much better off not knowing.
Audrey NiffeneggerWhen somebody is that patient, you have to feel grateful, and then you want to hurt them. Does that make any sense?
Audrey NiffeneggerThe space that I can call mine.. is so small that my ideas have become small. I am like a caterpillar in a cocoon of paper; all around me are sketches for sculptures, small drawings that seem like moths fluttering against the windows, beating their wings to escape from this tiny space.. Every day the ideas come more reluctantly, as though they know I will starve them and stunt their growth.
Audrey Niffenegger