When the moon, after covering herself with darkness as in sorrow, at last throws off the garments of her widowhood, she does not at once expose herself impudently to the public gaze; but for a time remains veiled in a transparent cloud, till she gradually acquires courage to endure the looks and admiration of beholders.
Augustus William HareWho is fit to govern others? He who governs himself. You might as well have said: nobody.
Augustus William HareThe cross was two pieces of dead wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed to it; yet it was mightier than the world, and triumphed, and will ever triumph over it.
Augustus William HareMany men spend their lives in gazing at their own shadows, and so dwindle away into shadows thereof.
Augustus William HareIs bread the better for kneading? so is the heart. Knead it then by spiritual exercises; or God must knead it by afflictions.
Augustus William HareIt is said that Windham, when he came to the end of a speech, often found himself so perplexed by his own subtlety that he hardly knew which way he was going to give his vote. This is a good illustration of the fallaciousness of reasoning, and of the uncertainties which attend its practical application.
Augustus William Hare