The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, and to settle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.
Ayn RandWe are now moving towards complete collectivism or socialism, a system under which everybody is enslaved to everybody.
Ayn RandI swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
Ayn RandAs a cultural-intellectual power and a moral ideal, collectivism died in World War II. If we are still rolling in its direction, it is only by the inertia of a void and the momentum of disintegration. A social movement that began with the ponderous, brain-cracking, dialectical constructs of Hegel and Marx, and ends up with a horde of morally unwashed children stamping their foot and shrieking: "I want it now is through."
Ayn Rand