When you don't have much money, you worry that they'll just put you in the ground someplace and your loved ones won't know where you are.
B. B. KingHe was Jimi Hendrix! He didn't sound like anybody else but himself. He was like Charlie Parker in his way of playing, he played well, he was a person that made waves. When you heard Jimi Hendrix you knew it was Jimi Hendrix, he introduced himself in his instrument... You know, many radio stations play records and a lot of the times they don't call out the names who you just listened to, but when they play Jimi Hendrix, you don't have to tell me, [you know] it's Jimi Hendrix.
B. B. KingReligion began as a natural explanation of the universe. The problem started when people refused to accept new evidence.
B. B. KingWhen I was young, I didn't play like I do today. So these kids are starting at the height that I've reached. Think what they might do over time.
B. B. KingMichael Bloomfield came in after rock n roll started, and he was a great guitarist. He idolized me - I know that. What else can I say ? he was a young, excitable man. To him, drugs were plentiful, and that was no good. I talked to him like he was a son of mine. He was a great and he was gonna be greater. But he was part of the "in-crowd" and so he never got there
B. B. King