I can say across Europe that many principles that have been taken for granted here around free speech, and around civil liberties and an independent judiciary, and fighting corruption, those are principles that, you know, not perfectly but generally, we have tried to apply not just in our own country but also with respect to our foreign policy.
Barack ObamaNo matter how much you've done, or how successful you've been, there's always more to do, always more to learn, and always more to achieve.
Barack ObamaNo one in America should ever be afraid to walk down the street holding the hand of the person they love.
Barack ObamaWe need fathers to step up, to realize that their job does not end at conception; that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one.
Barack ObamaGoing through the legislative process is always better, in part because it's harder to undo.
Barack ObamaI think that we are in a position to continue to make progress, but it's gonna require us to both recognize what the problems are, also recognize the progress we've made. Last point I'd make on this, since we're on criminal justice: During the course of my presidency crime has been the lowest it's been probably since the '60s.
Barack Obama