No U.S. soldier ever dies in vain because they're carrying out the missions of their commander in chief. And we honor all the service that they've provided. Our troops have performed brilliantly. The question is for the next president, are we making good judgments about how to keep America safe precisely because sending our military into battle is such an enormous step.
Barack ObamaThe conservative revolution that Reagan helped usher in gained traction because Reagan's central insight - that the liberal welfare state had grown complacent and overly bureaucratic, with Democratic policy makers more obsessed with slicing the economic pie than with growing the pie - contained a good deal of truth.
Barack ObamaIt's time to put country ahead of party. It's time to put the next generation ahead of the next election.
Barack ObamaNo one in America should ever be afraid to walk down the street holding the hand of the person they love.
Barack ObamaThe terrorists do not speak for over a billion Muslims who reject their hateful ideology.
Barack ObamaWhat is also true is that partly because my docket was really full here, so I couldn't be both chief organizer of the Democratic Party and function as Commander-in-Chief and President of the United States. We did not begin what I think needs to happen over the long haul, and that is rebuild the Democratic Party at the ground level.
Barack Obama