I have learned to prize holy ignorance more highly than religious certainty and to seek companions who have arrived at the same place. We are a motley crew, distinguished not only by our inability to explain ourselves to those who are more certain of their beliefs than we are but in many cases by our distance from the centers of our faith communities as well.
Barbara Brown TaylorWhen I say I trust Jesus, that is what I mean: I trust that the way of life leads through perishability, not around it.
Barbara Brown TaylorI began to get notes from people saying they were sorry to hear I'd left ministry. And for a while, I halfway believed they were right, that I'd left.
Barbara Brown TaylorChurch can be extremely boring. It can be very meaningful, it can be character forming, but can be have very little fizz in it.
Barbara Brown TaylorWisdom is not gained by knowing what is right. Wisdom is gained by practicing what is right, and noticing what happens when that practice succeeds and when it fails.
Barbara Brown Taylor