In the taverns all was amiable and easy, but the coffeehouses were cauldrons of edgy malcontents.
Barbara HollandThe thousands of possible lives that used to spread out in front of me have snapped shut into one, and all I get is what I've got. It's time to pass on the possibilities, all those deliciously half-open doors, to my children, and drive them to the airports, and wish them bon voyage.
Barbara HollandSingle life should be experimental in nature and open to accidents. Some accidents are happy ones.
Barbara HollandIn civilized places idleness, once the prerequisite for abstract thought, poetry, religion, philosophy, and falling in love, has become a character flaw. In America we've managed to stamp it out almost completely, and few people under forty can remember a single moment of it, even in earliest childhood. The phrase 'spare time' has vanished from the land.
Barbara Holland