When we experience our own desire for transformation, we are feeling the universe evolving through us.
Barbara Marx HubbardWhen you get a new worldview you get a new world. It's like the shift from medieval Christianity to the Renaissance and enlightenment.
Barbara Marx HubbardLet's assume there is some validity in these prophecies. What vision of the future, of the new world, might we see so that we can place our attention upon this vision as a strange attractor to carry us through this critical transition?
Barbara Marx HubbardWe know in history that great individuals have totally changed everything, whether it be Jesus Christ or Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill or Albert Einstein. I actually think every person can make a difference.
Barbara Marx HubbardWe hold these truths to be self-evident; All people are born creative; Endowed by our Creator with the inalienable right and responsibility to express our creativity for the sake of ourselves and our world.
Barbara Marx HubbardMy beloved church misunderstood me. It preached the corruptibility of humanity when I came to demonstrate its potential for incorruptibility. It propounded the sinfulness of humanity when I suffered to reveal your godliness and to overcome your guilt by demonstrating that you can totally rise above the death of the body.
Barbara Marx Hubbard