Christians are beginning to lose the spirit of intolerance which animated them: experience has shown the error of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, and of the persecution of those Christians in France whose belief differed a little from that of the king. They have realized that zeal for the advancement of religion is different from a due attachment to it; and that in order to love it and fulfil its behests, it is not necessary to hate and persecute those who are opposed to it.
Baron de MontesquieuIf you would be holy, instruct your children, because all the good acts they perform will be imputed to you.
Baron de MontesquieuSuccess in the majority of circumstances depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed.
Baron de MontesquieuIt is always the adventurers who do great things, not the sovereigns of great empires.
Baron de Montesquieu...when the laws have ceased to be executed, as this can only come from the corruption of the republic, the state is already lost.
Baron de MontesquieuA prince who loves and fears religion is a lion who stoops to the hand that strokes or to the voice that appeases him. He who fears and hates religion is like the savage beast that growls and bites the chain, which prevents his flying on the passenger. He who has no religion at all is that terrible animal who perceives his liberty only when he tears in pieces, and when he devours.
Baron de Montesquieu