If I knew something that would serve my country but would harm mankind, I would never reveal it; for I am a citizen of humanity first and by necessity, and a citizen of France second, and only by accident
Baron de MontesquieuEach particular society begins to feel its strength, whence arises a state of war between different nations.
Baron de MontesquieuMen in excess of happiness or misery are equally inclined to severity. Witness conquerors and monks! It is mediocrity alone, and a mixture of prosperous and adverse fortune that inspire us with lenity and pity.
Baron de MontesquieuI have ever held it as a maxim never to do that through another which it was impossible for me to execute myself
Baron de MontesquieuIt is clear that in a monarchy, where he who commands the exceution of the laws generally thinks himself above them, there is lessneed of virtue than in a popular government, where the person entrusted with the execution of the laws is sensible of his being subject to their direction.
Baron de Montesquieu