The women used the music to get their men to relate to them better: "talk to me, tell me what's on your mind." Men used the music to get the girls in the mood to make love. So either way you had it, Barry White is the one artist who actually was in your bedroom with you at your most sacred, sensuous moment of your life.
Barry WhiteAll I had was the will and the love for music. I couldn't read music or write it. No connections, no car, no money, no bankroll, no clothes, no nothing.
Barry WhiteI never learned to read or write music. Never wanted to fool with scales. That was boring, forced. The music I heard was free - flowing.
Barry WhiteMost families had four, five brothers. But because it was just me and Darryl, we had to be twice as strong.
Barry WhiteThe cops picked me up for attempted murder. I can still see the detectives, licking their chops. Thought they had me. Two weeks later, the cat came out of a coma and told the truth. I was innocent.
Barry White