What we call the highest and the lowest in nature are both equally perfect. A willow bush is as beautiful as the human form divine.
Beatrix PotterThere is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they'll take you.
Beatrix PotterThank God I have the seeing eye, that is to say, as I lie in bed I can walk step by step on the fells and rough land seeing every stone and flower and patch of bog and cotton pass where my old legs will never take me again.
Beatrix PotterSunday, January 27, 1884. -- There was another story in the paper a week or so since. A gentleman had a favourite cat whom he taught to sit at the dinner table where it behaved very well. He was in the habit of putting any scraps he left onto the cat's plate. One day puss did not take his place punctually, but presently appeared with two mice, one of which it placed on its master's plate, the other on its own.
Beatrix Potter