Every time you strip my sword, I owe you a kiss. How's that sound?" I bit my lip to keep from giggling. "That sounds really dirty." Patch waggled his brows. "Look whose mind just rolled into the gutter.
Becca Fitzpatrickreading a good book in silence is like eating chocolate for the rest of your life and never getting fat.
Becca Fitzpatrick..but maybe this was a defense mechanism. Maybe my mind was making me see things I refused to accept were gone forever. It was filling the void, because that was easier than letting go.
Becca FitzpatrickIf we hooked up, he could write me ballads and stuff. You gotta admit, nothing's sexier than a guy who writes music.
Becca FitzpatrickAnd anyway, the first three letters in the word diet should tell you what I want it to do.
Becca FitzpatrickIt would be like a cleansing diet. The problem was, the only diet I'd ever been on backfired. Once I tried to go an entire month without chocolate. Not one bite. At the end of two weeks, I broke down and binged on more chocolate that I would have eaten in three months. I hoped my chocolate-free diet didn't foreshadow what would happen if I tried to avoid Patch.
Becca Fitzpatrick