Do you ever think of moving back?" "To Coldwater? Heck, no. England suits me fine. These Brits love my accent. The first time Gavin asked me out it was just to hear me talk. Lucky for him, it's one of the things I do best." All teasing left her eyes. "Too many memories back home. Can't drive down the street without thinking I see Scott in the crowd.
Becca FitzpatrickMy history is long, and not much of it is good. I can't erase it, but I'm determined not to make another mistake. Not when the stakes are high, not when it comes to you.
Becca FitzpatrickYou're going to have to drive off the road and park behind thoses bushes," I instructed Vee. Vee leaned forward, peering into the darkness. "Is that a ditch between me and the bushes ?" "It's not very deep. Trust me, we'll clear it." "Looks deep to me. This is a Neon we're talking about, not a Hummer.
Becca FitzpatrickShe looked up, her face pink as a Christmas ham. โYou ever try chasing down a car?โ she gasped. โIโll one-up you. I gave Scott my hot dog and asked if heโd go to Summer Solstice with me.โ โWhat does the hot dog have to do with anything?โ โI said heโd be a wiener if he didnโt go with me.โ Vee wheezed laughter. โIโd have run harder had I known Iโd get to see you call him a wiener.
Becca Fitzpatrick