But if the choice I have to make comes down to you or me, I choose you. I always have. All my love, Patch
Becca FitzpatrickYou possess other people's...bodies." He accepted that statement with a nod. "Do you want to possess my body?" "I want to do a lot of things to your body, but that's not one of them.
Becca FitzpatrickI couldn't stand here, hanging on, when the very thing I held disappeared more with each passing day.
Becca Fitzpatrick..but maybe this was a defense mechanism. Maybe my mind was making me see things I refused to accept were gone forever. It was filling the void, because that was easier than letting go.
Becca FitzpatrickI turned my face up to his. I could hardly look at him the same way. I was crying without realizing I'd started. "You made a deal with Hank. You saved my life. Why would you do that for me?" "Angel," he murmured, clasping my face between his hands. "I don't think you understand the lengths I would go to if it means keeping you here with me.
Becca Fitzpatrick